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India Hosts Global Digital Health Summit to Transform the Healthcare Ecosystem

India is about to host the Global Digital Health Summit in its capital. This milestone inaugural will be attended by Union Health Minister Mansouch Mandavia, Patricia Scotland, Secretary General of the Commonwealth, and other participants on October 28th and 29th.

The conclave will focus on critical issues related to creating a health-centric digital ecosystem for all and examine how organizations can adopt digital technologies. The event will cover topics such as return on investment (ROI) in digital health, the barriers faced by small healthcare organizations and individual doctors, and explore the potential impact of the metaverse, gaming and 5G technology on transforming healthcare .

The summit is a collaboration with digital health associations, including the Global Health Connector Partnership (which encompasses the American Telemedicine Association, HLTH, European Connected Health Alliance, Commonwealth Digital Health Center, African Health Federation, Digital Health Society and Health Parliament), the International Telemedicine and Health Society of Switzerland, and the Internet Governance Forum, a dynamic coalition for digital health.

Brian O’Connor, co-chair of the event, highlighted: “We believe this summit will provide a unique opportunity to learn and contribute to the advancement of digital health. Healthcare professionals from diverse fields, from clinicians to specialists in pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, hospitals and insurance, must embrace digitalization.”

Rajendra Pratap Gupta, Chairman, Dynamic Coalition for Digital Health, IGF-United Nations, emphasized India’s success in delivering around 2 billion COVID vaccines through the COWIN digital platform and argued that the introduction of digital technologies in healthcare will bring benefits for both patients and healthcare professionals across the country.

The summit will also recognize contributions and innovations in the field of digital health through awards, open to all healthcare service providers, whether in the public or private sector, including digital health startups. The winners will be announced and awarded on October 29th.